
Scientists Invent 30 Year Continuous Power Laptop Battery

Your next laptop could have a continuous power battery that lasts for 30 years without a single recharge thanks to work being funded by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. The breakthrough betavoltaic power cells are constructed from semiconductors and use radioisotopes as the energy source. As the radioactive material decays it emits beta particles that transform into electric power capable of fueling an electrical device like a laptop for years. Although betavoltaic batteries sound Nuclear they’re not, they neither use fission/fusion or chemical processes to produce energy and so (do not produce any radioactive or hazardous waste). Betavoltaics generate power when an electron strikes a particular interface between two layers of material. The Process uses beta electron emissions that occur when a neutron decays into a proton which causes a forward bias in the semiconductor. This makes the betavoltaic cell a forward bias diode of sorts, similar in some respects to a photovoltaic (s...

Download Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver CS4

Adobe Dreamweaver® CS4 Free Download Buy Try Learn more Alternative sources: Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 ( Neue Version vorschlagen ) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 ( Recommend a new version of this software ) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 ( Javasoljon újabb verziót ) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 ( Upozornit na novou verzi ) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 ( zasugeruj nową wersję ) Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 ( Предложить новую версию ) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.02 ( Yeni sürüm öner ) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 ( 推荐该软件的新版本 ) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 ( Nieuwe versie aanmelden ) Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 ( Raccomanda una nuova versione di questo software ) Softpedia Mirror (US) [EXE] Softpedia Mirror (RO) [EXE]

17 rules 4 increasing the number of visiors on your website

Search Engine Strategies Perhaps the most important and inexpensive strategy is to rank high for your preferred words on the main search engines in "organic" or "natural" searches (as opposed to paid ads). Search engines send robot "spiders" to index the content on your webpage, so let's begin with steps to prepare your web pages for optimal indexing. The idea here is not to trick the search engines, but to leave them abundant clues as to what your webpage is about. 1. Write a Page Title. Write a descriptive title for each page of 5 to 8 words. Remove as many "filler" words from the title, such as "the," "and," etc. This page title will appear hyperlinked on the search engines when your page is found. Plan to use some descriptive keywords along with your business name on your home page. 2. Write a Description and Keyword META Tag. The description should be a sentence or two describing the content of the webpage, using the ...

DreamCalc Professional Edition 4.4.1 (Demo)

A software program which will provide a fully featured and convenient alternative to using a separate calculator  Go to Source The calculator is not the only tool you get to work with. The application also wants to give you the chance to visualize data, and this is done through the chart & list component. A new window is brought up where you can browse through functions, define new ones, and finally have the result represented in a Cartesian Coordinate System. Info gathered from the chart & list component can be printed out on a sheet of paper directly, and so do results obtained through the calculator. However, the chart component also lets you save representations as image files on your computer.

Google Earth pe mare şi în stele (Software)

Google a lansat o nouă versiune a propriului atlas geografic în format digital, popularul Google Earth. Noua versiune vine cu adăugiri importante pentru curioşi şi pentru fanii geografiei. Google Earth 5 depăşeşte graniţele planetei noastre, motiv pentru care cei de la Google ar trebui să se gândească serios la alt nume. Citeste tot articolul Cuvinte cheie: Google, Earth Articole corelate: Gmail merge şi offline. Află cum poţi profita de noua funcţie Cum să cauţi eficient pe Internet din Firefox Android, sistemul de operare Google care poate concura cu Windows Pune-ţi iGoogle ca Homepage în Outlook Cum să instalezi teme pentru Google Chrome Stiri corelate: Primul telefon dual SIM bazat pe Google Android Al doilea telefon cu Google Android este pe ţeavă Superofertă: opere de artă la 14.000 de megapixeli, numai pe Google Earth Giganţii din online şi IT se clatină loviţi de criză Google Chrome iese din beta

Wordpress Plugins 4 admin interface

Easy Admin Color Schemes - Advanced but has an import feature to make it simpler (I think there is also a way to just install a new scheme) Dashboard Editor WPhone WPlite Leopard Admin JP Admin StylishBlue Baltic Amber Themes & Schemes Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu - new version for 2.7 Admin Menu Customize Your Community Clutter-Free Custom Admin Branding WordPress Admin Bar Admin Icons Hide Update Reminder Add Logo to Admin Quick Configuration Links

Customize login in wordpress

[plugins 4] Login Style DBD Login Style BM Custom Login Sidebar Login WP-UserLogin MiniMeta Widget WS Tools Bar AJAX Login Peter’s Login Redirect Lock Out - for maintainence InsiteLogin Quick Admin Links Marbu Login Redirect - sends you to an alternate homepage

Make CMS from Wordpress

[plugins recomanded for wordpress-cms professional] Admin Management Xtended - quick edit a few extra fields on a post CMS-Like Admin Menu WP-CMS Admin Menu Management Dashboard Editor Page Management Dropdown CMS Navigation Flutter - sounds like a really cool CMS WordPress Menu Creator Ryans Simple CMS

WP plugins for install favicon

[this category of plugins will install a favorite icon in the navigation bar of the browser, for all your site vizitors. Exemples: like little "g" for google, little "y" for yahoo. Usefull like bookmark technique, the favmark is also usefull in a tabed browser] Admin Favicon Shockingly Simple Favicon MaxBlogPress Favicon Blog Icons RSS Icon Widget SoJ Favicon

Optimizarea articolelor pentru Google spider (ro)

Titlul textului va conţine cele mai importante cuvinte-cheie, iar cele care deschid titlul trebuie să fie de maximă relevanţă pentru articol. Nu este indicată folosirea dativului şi a genitivului şi nici a unor forme flexionare într-un titlu corect pentru Google. Recunosc că au existat situaţii cînd nu am respectat norme gramaticale doar pentru a da un titlu corect (sic!) pentru Google: Finala Cupa Mondială de Escaladă pe Gheaţă are loc la Buşteni – Galerie Foto. De ce? Pentru că dacă scriam Finala Cupei Mondiale de Escaladă pe Gheaţă are loc... era puţin probabil să figureze între primele zece rezultate în motoarele de căutare – adică pe prima pagină a motorului de căutare. Utilizatorul va căuta, foarte probabil, finala+cupa+mondiala+escalada, iar rezultatul căutării nu i-ar servi pagina cu articolul meu cu un titlu scris corect gramatical. Articolul integral

WP plugins 4 Speed, Robots, Security

WP Super Cache Google XML Sitemaps Hot Linked Image Cacher WP Widget Cache Sabre - simple anti-bot registration Google Sitemaps - Append UTW Tags - not google specific, prbly not UTW specific either WP-Cache WP Security Scan Dagon Design Sitemap Generator WordPress Exploit Scanner Hyper Cache WP Sentry KB Robots.txt Secure WordPress Admin SSL Karailiev’s sitemap Simple Google Sitemap cos-html-cache Plugin Output Cache Stealth Login - changes the address of the log-in page Copy Alerts Validated Paranoid911

WP plugins 4 database admin

WP-phpMyAdmin Optimize DB Users to CSV WP-Project CustomQuery DeleteCustom WP-DB-Backup WP-DBManager Clean Options WP-Options-Manager

Free software for professional map making - for windows OS / EN-RO

 You can chose from a large variety of freeware to realize personal or project-related maps. Each of this offer also a vast amount of addons, presets, resources and event preloaded data on maps. Free GIS software (for Windows operating system) ESRI program for data visualization and geocoding of data in shapefile format exploration, visualization and distribution of GIS data desktop application for viewing, exploring and printing maps and globes creating DEMs based on scanned topographic maps view AVIS map5 3D topographic representation system with layered representation, data integration mapping and geographic data analysis a collection of 65 tools that manipu...

Wordpress plugins 4 SEO

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