
Showing posts with the label SEO

10 way to improve SEO in 2025

  Okay, let's look ahead to 2025 and how you can optimize your SEO strategy. Keep in mind that SEO is constantly evolving, but these are likely to be key areas for success: 1. Prioritize User Experience (UX) & Core Web Vitals: Why? Google is increasingly focused on rewarding websites that provide a fantastic user experience. Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID, CLS) will continue to be a significant ranking factor. How to improve: Optimize Page Speed: Compress images, use lazy loading, leverage browser caching, minimize render-blocking resources. Mobile-First Design: Ensure your website is fully responsive and performs flawlessly on all devices. Intuitive Navigation: Make it easy for users to find what they're looking for with clear menus, internal linking, and search functionality. Accessibility: Design for all users, including those with disabilities, using proper heading structure, alt text for images, and sufficient color contrast. Engaging Content: Provide relevant, valuable,...


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Major Search Engines in the World - after Page Rank and Alexa Rank

video   Search Engine Page Rank Alexa Rank Google 9/10 1 Baidu 9/10 5 Bing 8/10 16 Soso 7/10 56 Seznam 7/10 378 Exalead 7/10 29,067 Scrub The Web 6/10 3,627 Jayde 6/10 7,316 Entireweb 6/10 8,143 Active Search Results 5/10 ...

Major Search Engine Directory Manual Submission Links

1. Yahoo! Search - Bing powered 2. Google 3. Live Search  -  Bing powered 4. Wikia Search - inactive 5. Open Directory - bad request 6. Cuil - inactive 7. Exalead - 404 8. MavicaNet 9. GigaBlast 10. ScrubTheWeb 11. What U Seek - 404 12. World Site Index 13. BusinessSeek 14. ExactSeek 15. EntireWeb 16. SearchMe - 404 17. IllumiRate 18. 01WebDirectory-404 19. Amfibi - delayed 20. Wikidweb 21. SearchSight 22. AMRAY 23. Info Listings 24. Domaining 25. Amidalla 26. WebbieWorld 27. Arakne Links - 404 28. Link Centre 29. Pedsters Planet 30. SonicRun 31. Anaximander 32. Info Tiger 33. Comerciant 34. Zeezo 35. Thales Directory 36. Directory Storm 37. A1 Web Directory 38. Burf 39. NetInsert 40. Web Linker 41. Finest 4 42. Cipinet 43. Klottra 44. My Directory Live 45. FreshTV 46. ABD 47. SEagency 48. Nonar 49. The Living Link 50. Clickey

RSS feeds submission

RSS Network - submit RSS feeds & select category RSS Locator - submit RSS feeds Syndic8 - submit RSS feeds DayPop - post your RSS feed or blog Feedster - submit your RSS feed Rocket News - post your RSS feed Technorati - submit your RSS feed to be pinged Userland - submit rss feeds Postami - submit rss feeds Finance Investing Feeds - Only submit finance or investment related feeds. Security Protection Feeds - Submit only security or protection related feeds RSS feeds select appropriate category. Realty Feeds - Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure to select the appropriate category. Medical Feeds - Submit feeds related to medical care or health. Religious Podcasts - Submit only podcasts that relate to religion, ...

Dedicated education blog search

Miscellaneous Topical Blog Search Engines : Edu RSS (educational only) Educational Feeds (Brasil only) Finance Investing Feeds Realty Feeds Medical Feeds Science Port Sports Feeds Political Feeds Government Feeds RSS Verzeichnis

17 rules 4 increasing the number of visiors on your website

Search Engine Strategies Perhaps the most important and inexpensive strategy is to rank high for your preferred words on the main search engines in "organic" or "natural" searches (as opposed to paid ads). Search engines send robot "spiders" to index the content on your webpage, so let's begin with steps to prepare your web pages for optimal indexing. The idea here is not to trick the search engines, but to leave them abundant clues as to what your webpage is about. 1. Write a Page Title. Write a descriptive title for each page of 5 to 8 words. Remove as many "filler" words from the title, such as "the," "and," etc. This page title will appear hyperlinked on the search engines when your page is found. Plan to use some descriptive keywords along with your business name on your home page. 2. Write a Description and Keyword META Tag. The description should be a sentence or two describing the content of the webpage, using the ...

Optimizarea articolelor pentru Google spider (ro)

Titlul textului va conÅ£ine cele mai importante cuvinte-cheie, iar cele care deschid titlul trebuie să fie de maximă relevanţă pentru articol. Nu este indicată folosirea dativului ÅŸi a genitivului ÅŸi nici a unor forme flexionare într-un titlu corect pentru Google. Recunosc că au existat situaÅ£ii cînd nu am respectat norme gramaticale doar pentru a da un titlu corect (sic!) pentru Google: Finala Cupa Mondială de Escaladă pe Gheaţă are loc la BuÅŸteni – Galerie Foto. De ce? Pentru că dacă scriam Finala Cupei Mondiale de Escaladă pe Gheaţă are loc... era puÅ£in probabil să figureze între primele zece rezultate în motoarele de căutare – adică pe prima pagină a motorului de căutare. Utilizatorul va căuta, foarte probabil, finala+cupa+mondiala+escalada, iar rezultatul căutării nu i-ar servi pagina cu articolul meu cu un titlu scris corect gramatical. Articolul integral

Wordpress plugins 4 SEO

Platinum SEO Pack All in One SEO Pack Automatic SEO Links SEO Post Link All in One SEO Pack SEO Smart Links SEO Title Tag Google Positioner SEO Slugs

My Top Five Recommended Blog Directories:

1. Best of the Web Blogs 2. Blog Catalog 3. Blog Hub 4. Blog Flux 5. Blog Wise via

Download SEO pack - web Submit Suite

Cerintele sistemului: Sistem de operare: Windows ME, NT, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, Windows 7, cel putin Internet Explorer 4. ◊ Instructiuni de descarcare: Dupa ce ati descarcat fisierul executabil in Windows, realizati un dublu click pe el pentru a accesa continutul. Aplicatiile sunt functionale pentru o perioada de 14 zile. Website Submitter 4.0 1934 kb Anunturi 4.0 1934 kb Feed Submitter 4.0 1183 kb Press Release Submitter 4.0 7183 kb Article Submitter 4.2 1285 kb Website Popularity 4.0 1123 kb Article Spinner 4.0 6323 kb Descarca produsele de optimizare web Submit Suite .

Inscriere gratuita in motare de cautare

Inscriere in motoare de cautare Inscriere in peste 100 de motoare de cautare si directoare internationale si peste 40 de motoare de cautare si directoare romanesti. Special - Catalogul magazinelor online Google... Url de inscriere: Yahoo... Url de inscriere: Necesita inregistrare yahoo. Altavista... Url de inscriere: NOTA: Site preluat de yahoo. Inscrierea e comuna. MSN Search... Url de inscriere: AllTheWeb... Url de inscriere: NOTA: Site preluat de yahoo. Inscrierea e comuna Gigablast... Url de inscriere: WISEnut... Url de inscriere: Inscriere automata... Un serviciu gratuit de a inscrie url-ul tau in motoare de cautare:

Free subscription for online shop owners

  The Wansait portal has launched a directory dedicated to online shops, at the address The subscription is free for the first 1000 shops. Access the submission form, obtain a user and a password, complete the form - and all fields market as requested. All submissions are manually approved, after a evaluation for the validity of submittance and GDPR compliance. Any user can add maximum 3 records to database. Also, registered users can participate at the discussions of the forum, projected as a series of Q&A for shared relevant information between shop owners, comerciants and consumers.

Regional Feeds

RSS - Beligian RSS feeds. (no obvious way to submit feeds) RSS - German RSS feed directory. RSS feeds Israel - Israeli RSS feeds Spanish Feeds - Spanish RSS feeds Japanese Feeds - Japanese RSS feeds

Videocast Feeds

Videocasting Station - Submit RSS feeds

Exhaustive list of major international search engines

1 Above-Average 1 Absolutely Free 1 Million Hits 1 More 1 NetCentral 1 Way to Financial Independence 1-Host 10 to 30 in Lost 1001Sites 101 Setting Yourself Free 111 Leads for Leaders 121TV WebPortal 123India 1A Rodney Ranker 1st Class Software 1st Search 1st Spot 1stClasLinks 1stClassResorts 250000 UK Local Directory 30 Day Free 300 Affiliates 3Step 4 Star Web Hosting 4-1-1 4-Every-1 4Her2Shop 50 States 7seek 9 and Only 9 to 5 Freedom A Beres ABitofThisADabofThat A Downline Club A Gold Pannin Site A Great Kit for Net Wealth A Li'l Bit Of Everything A Mother's Dream A Musical Innovation A Musical Revelation A New Vision Marketing A Superstore A Tall Wood A+ WayMakeFreeMoney A1 Abracadabra Magic A1 Advertising A1 Items for Sale A1-Lifestyle A1-Web Ads A2Z Soloutions A2Z Links AA AA Research Universal Book Search Service AAA Business AAA DJE Enterprises AAA DJE Enterprises AAA Webaholics Country Flag Directory AAA World Announce Archive AAA WorldAannounce AAAAs AABounding Succes...

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