
Showing posts with the label plugin

RSS plugins - Firefox

Sage - RSS reader for Firefox, has a decent amount of options, allows CSS customization Wizz - a very advanced RSS reader for Firefox with a huge set of options RSS Ticker - an RSS ticker for Firefox with a large number of options Beatnik - simple RSS reader for Firefox BlogRovr - a Firefox plugin that brings you related news based on your feed choices and the website you’re currently visiting NewsFox - fully featured RSS reader for Firefox, with three panes; similar to Thunderbird InfoRSS - another RSS ticker for Firefox with a very comprehensive set of options Feedbar - Feedbar displays new live bookmarks items directly in your Firefox sidebar


Feedlist - a wordpress plugin that displays linked lists imported from an RSS or ATOM feed Feedsmith - redirects all RSS feeds on a Wordpress blog to the Feedburner feed. Fedafi RSS plugin - a plugin for Wordpress that creates a full text valid RSS 2.0 feed from your Wordpress blog and adds a style sheet, tracks subscribers and clicks on articles. BDP RSS aggregator - converts RSS feeds to Wordpress blog entries. Handy for creating an automatic blog. Sig2Feed - Wordpress plugin that lets you add a signature to your RSS feeds

Wordpress Plugins 4 admin interface

Easy Admin Color Schemes - Advanced but has an import feature to make it simpler (I think there is also a way to just install a new scheme) Dashboard Editor WPhone WPlite Leopard Admin JP Admin StylishBlue Baltic Amber Themes & Schemes Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu - new version for 2.7 Admin Menu Customize Your Community Clutter-Free Custom Admin Branding WordPress Admin Bar Admin Icons Hide Update Reminder Add Logo to Admin Quick Configuration Links

Make CMS from Wordpress

[plugins recomanded for wordpress-cms professional] Admin Management Xtended - quick edit a few extra fields on a post CMS-Like Admin Menu WP-CMS Admin Menu Management Dashboard Editor Page Management Dropdown CMS Navigation Flutter - sounds like a really cool CMS WordPress Menu Creator Ryans Simple CMS

WP plugins 4 Speed, Robots, Security

WP Super Cache Google XML Sitemaps Hot Linked Image Cacher WP Widget Cache Sabre - simple anti-bot registration Google Sitemaps - Append UTW Tags - not google specific, prbly not UTW specific either WP-Cache WP Security Scan Dagon Design Sitemap Generator WordPress Exploit Scanner Hyper Cache WP Sentry KB Robots.txt Secure WordPress Admin SSL Karailiev’s sitemap Simple Google Sitemap cos-html-cache Plugin Output Cache Stealth Login - changes the address of the log-in page Copy Alerts Validated Paranoid911

WP plugins 4 database admin

WP-phpMyAdmin Optimize DB Users to CSV WP-Project CustomQuery DeleteCustom WP-DB-Backup WP-DBManager Clean Options WP-Options-Manager

Wordpress plugins 4 SEO

Platinum SEO Pack All in One SEO Pack Automatic SEO Links SEO Post Link All in One SEO Pack SEO Smart Links SEO Title Tag Google Positioner SEO Slugs

Major freeware - Free Download Soft and Apps
