
Showing posts with the label style

Movable Type Styles

Style Library -If you are looking for a way to make your Movable Type blog look fresh, then look no further. The Style Contest - A collection of Movable Type Styles created from contests to create the best styles. Only the best is here. Style Generator - Use this if you wish to take things in to your own hands and create your own Styles for use with Movable Type.


Feedlist - a wordpress plugin that displays linked lists imported from an RSS or ATOM feed Feedsmith - redirects all RSS feeds on a Wordpress blog to the Feedburner feed. Fedafi RSS plugin - a plugin for Wordpress that creates a full text valid RSS 2.0 feed from your Wordpress blog and adds a style sheet, tracks subscribers and clicks on articles. BDP RSS aggregator - converts RSS feeds to Wordpress blog entries. Handy for creating an automatic blog. Sig2Feed - Wordpress plugin that lets you add a signature to your RSS feeds

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