
Showing posts with the label admin

Wordpress Plugins 4 admin interface

Easy Admin Color Schemes - Advanced but has an import feature to make it simpler (I think there is also a way to just install a new scheme) Dashboard Editor WPhone WPlite Leopard Admin JP Admin StylishBlue Baltic Amber Themes & Schemes Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu - new version for 2.7 Admin Menu Customize Your Community Clutter-Free Custom Admin Branding WordPress Admin Bar Admin Icons Hide Update Reminder Add Logo to Admin Quick Configuration Links

Make CMS from Wordpress

[plugins recomanded for wordpress-cms professional] Admin Management Xtended - quick edit a few extra fields on a post CMS-Like Admin Menu WP-CMS Admin Menu Management Dashboard Editor Page Management Dropdown CMS Navigation Flutter - sounds like a really cool CMS WordPress Menu Creator Ryans Simple CMS

WP plugins 4 database admin

WP-phpMyAdmin Optimize DB Users to CSV WP-Project CustomQuery DeleteCustom WP-DB-Backup WP-DBManager Clean Options WP-Options-Manager

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