
Showing posts with the label analytics

Blog Statistics & Analysis - useful tools

Blog Statistics & Analysis StatCounter - A completely free statistics and analysis tool for tracking your blog’s numbers. Site Meter - Site Meter comes in two flavors, Site Meter Basic and Site Meter Premium and this service offers advanced analytics of your site statistics. AWStats - A free and open-source alternative to track your site statistics. Feedburner - A wide range of tools to spiff up your RSS feed, including HTML preview, geotagging, merging link and photo feeds, password protection, and one of our favorites - a customizable GIF-based headline animator. They can also insert ads into your feed and have both free and premium analytics. Alexa - Alexa has the statistics for all of the internet and it lets you compare your blog to another. Google Analytics - a free, full-featured (albeit a bit slow) analytics program from Google (ex. Urchin). MeasureMap - another free tool for detailed analysis of your blog’s visitor habits

RSS - related tools

SearchFeedr - RSS feed search, supports Yahoo!, Google, MSN Live and Altavista FeedCycle - bundles feeds into “episodes” and delivers them on a scheduled/daily basis FeedCrier - brings RSS feeds to your instant messenger Clicky’s RSS feed - Clicky is a web analytics tool which can deliver analytics results via an RSS feed RSS Panel X - a Greasemonkey script that displays RSS, Atom, hAtom and OPML directly from originating website FeedForAll - create and edit RSS feeds and podcasts Radio UserLand - a combination of a publishing platform and a news aggregator Custom Reader - a white label RSS reader solution, ready to be branded to your liking Chaos Wallpaper - RSS reader and wallpaper changer in one FireAnt - RSS reader focused on podcasts, vidcasts, and media NewsAloud - converts RSS feeds to voice RSS2PDF - converts RSS feeds to PDF format Dapper - creates an RSS feed from any website Feedity - another RSS generator that can generate an RSS feed from any website RSSMicro...

RSS managers

Feedburner - the obvious one. Recently acquired by Google, FeedBurner has become the de facto standard for RSS feed management, offering a huge set of features, including detailed analytics, chicklets, feed optimization and ad insertion. WebPasties - a set of RSS-related tools, including some feed management features FeedPass - creates a nice landing page for your feeds

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