
Showing posts with the label tips

Blogs about Blogging

Image Weblogs - Professional blogger / freelance writer Deborah Ng covers a wide range of blogging topics for all levels of blogger, but is especially good for new bloggers. Advanced Business Blogging - Two people who are really making money with blogs and new media and showing others how to. Blogging for Business - Ted Demopoulos focuses “on practical business implications and uses of new media and technologies, including Blogging and Business, pod-casting, and other ‘Cool Internet Stuff’.” Andy Wibbels - The author of Blog Wild! puts emphasises blogs for small business marketing, but his tips are useful for all bloggers. Problogger - Darren Rowse is the definitive guide to making money with your blog. MasterNewMedia - A site about independent publishing and social media which publishes articles showing how to create effective blogs and improve online marketing strategies. Copyblogger - a great resource of no-nonsense information for bloggers (and everyone else who wants t...

Tips 4 Wordpress Blogging

10 Most Practical Blogs for Entrepreneurs - No philosophy, theory or personal rants/raves/ramblings here - just practical tips for business owners. Twenty Usability Tips for Your Blog - Tips for increasing the usability of your blog for your users which can lead to new and returning readers. Big list of blog search engines - a very detailed resource for blog search engines. Search Engine Submission Tips - an interesting list of techniques and strategies you can use to make your blog appear in relevant search results. How to Make Money From Your Website - a practical guide that explains the differences between the different advertising systems that you can use on your blog. 25 Tips To Optimize Your Blog For Readers & Search Engines - useful tips that help your blog stand out from the crowd. Research, Promote And Monetize Your Online Writing: A Blogger’s Guide To Twitter - a great guide by Michael Pick that shows you how to get the best out of Twitter. 25 Tips for Marketing Yo...

RO: Cele mai asteptate tehnologii ale anilor viitori - Experimente care vor schimba umanitatea

Revista BBC Science World a realizat un top 10 cu cele mai asteptate tehnologii care ar putea schimba viitorul si care au un anume grad de certitudine ca vor putea fi realizate. Rezultatele sintezei de la BBC au fost publicate in Romania pe siteul publicatiei ScienceWorld, cu ample prezentari. Extragem prezentarile sumare ale descoperirilor astaptate. Pentru detalii pentru fiecare dintre acestea, va invitam sa cititi LINK articolul complet. 1. Construirea unui aparat de editare a ADN -ului uman Massachusetts Institute of Technology și Harvard University, SUA O echipă din Massachusetts a construit o mașinărie capabilă să editeze AND-ul (similar comenzilor copy-paste). Ar putea însemna că doctorii vor avea în curând abilitatea de a edita literele ADN-ului care codează bolile ereditare, din genomul uman, putând face corpul imun la viruși periculoși cum ar fi HIV sau gripa. Beneficiile nu se opresc aici. Dacă ADN-ul care este editat se află într-o bacterie, ar putea transforma mi...

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