Internet Business Promoter - complete solution software - free download / demo

A complete Web site promotion solution with professional marketing tools (read more)
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Get better rankings on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines.
Get more website visitors and increase your revenue.


How does IBP compare to other website promotion tools?
IBP offers everything that you need to successfully promote your website. It is a sophisticated website promotion tool.

IBP is a next generation website promotion software tool that offers many features that other SEO tools are sorely lacking:

IBP offers you real-time analysis of the top ten search engine results and it makes sure that your web pages and links are perfectly optimized for search engines.

Suppose you want to know how to get a top ten ranking for the search term “outdoor equipment” on Google. IBP tells you how to optimize your website for exactly that search term on Google.

The advice is based on the in-depth analysis of the current, up-to-the-minute top 10 results on Google for that search term. The advice is specifically for that search term and specifically for Google.

When a search engine changes its ranking algorithm, IBP allows you to immediately optimize your web pages for the new algorithm.

The IBP high quality analysis results are always up to date, specific and accurate. You won’t get that kind of accuracy for search engine optimization with any other tool.

IBP offers and advanced link builder that helps you to get high quality back links quickly and easily. Inbound links from high quality websites are extremely important if you want to get high rankings on Google.

For that reason, we added our sophisticated link building tool ARELIS to IBP. IBP’s link builder is one of the most advanced link building and link management tools that you can get. And you don’t have to pay an extra fee for the link builder because it is included in the current IBP version. Note that IBP does not build backlinks automatically. It helps you to locate good websites but it does not create links automatically.

Another example of how IBP is better than other tools is the submitter in IBP. Most other submission tools access search engines directly; or they simulate a web browser to submit your website and check your search engine rankings. Search engines can identify these browser simulations and don’t accept these submissions or often ban them.

For this reason, IBP uses invisible Microsoft® Internet Explorer® windows to submit your website. The search engines are visited with a standard web browser.


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