

Pingomatic Pingoat Ipings

Major Search Engines in the World - after Page Rank and Alexa Rank

video   Search Engine Page Rank Alexa Rank Google 9/10 1 Baidu 9/10 5 Bing 8/10 16 Soso 7/10 56 Seznam 7/10 378 Exalead 7/10 29,067 Scrub The Web 6/10 3,627 Jayde 6/10 7,316 Entireweb 6/10 8,143 Active Search Results 5/10 2,70

Shared hosting 4 Blogs

Dreamhost - Offers a lot for a very small amount of money. CirtexHosting - Hosting plans starting at as little as $2. BlueHost - Another affordable hosting solution. HostGator - Cheap shared personal hosting. Media Temple - Grid based hosting; known to be able to sustain lots of traffic.

RSS readers - web based

Google Reader – In addition to tracking your feeds, Google’s popular RSS reader allows you to star items (like in Gmail), view trends in your feeds and reading habits, and recently added an option to read feeds offline. iGoogle – Formerly known as Google Personalized Home, iGoogle allows you to include RSS feeds as part of your custom start page. Netvibes - This personal homepage provider includes hundreds of “modules” you can add to your page from Hotmail to your Flickr photos, but also lets you create your own modules by simply entering an RSS feed URL. Pageflakes – Another personalized homepage provider, Pageflakes functions similar to Netvibes, letting you select from pre-made modules or create your own by adding an RSS feed. My Yahoo! – Still the most widely used custom homepage on the Web, My Yahoo now allows you to add RSS feeds alongside your weather, stock quotes, and news. Similar to Netvibes and Pageflakes, My Yahoo allows you to re-arrange your feeds with drag and drop f

RSS mixers

Yahoo! Pipes - an advanced RSS mixer with a graphical user interface; supports simple operators, filters, and many advanced functions Feedbite - a combination of an online RSS reader and an RSS mixer, with the possibility to vote for RSS “bundles” Feedblendr - a very simple RSS mixer that doesn’t require registration Blogsieve - full featured RSS mixer that lets you blend up to 5 feeds and do some advanced filtering on the results Feedcombine - RSS mixer that lets you blend feeds from a list of predefined sources Feedshake - RSS mixing and some basic filtering xFruits - a set of very neat tools for RSS blending, filtering and conversion, including an RSS to PDF tool BlastFeed - an RSS mixer that lets you combine and filter feeds and get them delivered via e-mail, IM or RSS FeedRinse - an advanced RSS filter that enables you to get rid of the “spam” in your RSS feeds FeedDigest - RSS mixer that lets you mix and sort feeds and then republish them on a website Popfly - Microsoft’s ve

Major Search Engine Directory Manual Submission Links

1. Yahoo! Search - Bing powered 2. Google 3. Live Search  -  Bing powered 4. Wikia Search - inactive 5. Open Directory - bad request 6. Cuil - inactive 7. Exalead - 404 8. MavicaNet 9. GigaBlast 10. ScrubTheWeb 11. What U Seek - 404 12. World Site Index 13. BusinessSeek 14. ExactSeek 15. EntireWeb 16. SearchMe - 404 17. IllumiRate 18. 01WebDirectory-404 19. Amfibi - delayed 20. Wikidweb 21. SearchSight 22. AMRAY 23. Info Listings 24. Domaining 25. Amidalla 26. WebbieWorld 27. Arakne Links - 404 28. Link Centre 29. Pedsters Planet 30. SonicRun 31. Anaximander 32. Info Tiger 33. Comerciant 34. Zeezo 35. Thales Directory 36. Directory Storm 37. A1 Web Directory 38. Burf 39. NetInsert 40. Web Linker 41. Finest 4 42. Cipinet 43. Klottra 44. My Directory Live 45. FreshTV 46. ABD 47. SEagency 48. Nonar 49. The Living Link 50. Clickey

Free Blog Hosting Services

WordPress - WordPress allows you to create and host a blog on their own servers and you can display it to the world. You don’t get as much customization and functionality as if you have it hosted on your own server (for example, advertising is not allowed), but it is still a very good way to blog without paying money. Blogger - A service owned by Google, Blogger is a way to have your blogs hosted for free and you can post as much as you want. It allows Google’s AdSense to be used. Xanga - iXanga is a lively community of online diaries and journals. Users create their own profiles and there are many opportunities to interact with other users. LiveJournal - LiveJournal is excellent if you wish to blog on a personal level and join a community and share your blogs among friends. Vox - A new contender to the arena but Vox is a very nice and powerful blogging tool; not to mention free!; You receive many social experiences with this option as Vox is based heavily on community based blogg

RSS feeds submission

RSS Network - submit RSS feeds & select category RSS Locator - submit RSS feeds Syndic8 - submit RSS feeds DayPop - post your RSS feed or blog Feedster - submit your RSS feed Rocket News - post your RSS feed Technorati - submit your RSS feed to be pinged Userland - submit rss feeds Postami - submit rss feeds Finance Investing Feeds - Only submit finance or investment related feeds. Security Protection Feeds - Submit only security or protection related feeds RSS feeds select appropriate category. Realty Feeds - Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure to select the appropriate category. Medical Feeds - Submit feeds related to medical care or health. Religious Podcasts - Submit only podcasts that relate to religion,

RSS Ping Tools

Pingoat – On Pingoat, you enter your blog URL and select the services you would like to ping. Doing so will make sure that the selected sites crawl and index your site. The site has nearly 50 different services you can ping. Ping-o-matic – Enter your blog or feed URL and select from a variety of blog search engines and Ping-o-matic will send them a ping. The site has about 20 services to choose from. Blog Flux – In addition to a variety of other tools for bloggers, Blog Flux offers Pinger, which includes more than 30 sites you can automatically ping, including several language specific indexes. ping service – This site is mostly in Dutch and automatically pings a few of the larger services such as Technorati and

Specialized directories 4 blogs

Blog Burst (adds your blog post to major media website) Blogdir - (Spanish blog community) Blog Street (India Directory) BritBlog (British Directory) Boing Boing (submit blog posts for review) iBlogBusiness (adds business blogs only)

Blogs about Blogging

Image Weblogs - Professional blogger / freelance writer Deborah Ng covers a wide range of blogging topics for all levels of blogger, but is especially good for new bloggers. Advanced Business Blogging - Two people who are really making money with blogs and new media and showing others how to. Blogging for Business - Ted Demopoulos focuses “on practical business implications and uses of new media and technologies, including Blogging and Business, pod-casting, and other ‘Cool Internet Stuff’.” Andy Wibbels - The author of Blog Wild! puts emphasises blogs for small business marketing, but his tips are useful for all bloggers. Problogger - Darren Rowse is the definitive guide to making money with your blog. MasterNewMedia - A site about independent publishing and social media which publishes articles showing how to create effective blogs and improve online marketing strategies. Copyblogger - a great resource of no-nonsense information for bloggers (and everyone else who wants t

Tips 4 Wordpress Blogging

10 Most Practical Blogs for Entrepreneurs - No philosophy, theory or personal rants/raves/ramblings here - just practical tips for business owners. Twenty Usability Tips for Your Blog - Tips for increasing the usability of your blog for your users which can lead to new and returning readers. Big list of blog search engines - a very detailed resource for blog search engines. Search Engine Submission Tips - an interesting list of techniques and strategies you can use to make your blog appear in relevant search results. How to Make Money From Your Website - a practical guide that explains the differences between the different advertising systems that you can use on your blog. 25 Tips To Optimize Your Blog For Readers & Search Engines - useful tips that help your blog stand out from the crowd. Research, Promote And Monetize Your Online Writing: A Blogger’s Guide To Twitter - a great guide by Michael Pick that shows you how to get the best out of Twitter. 25 Tips for Marketing Yo

Blog Monetization

PayPal - PayPal allows you to set up a donations system on your site. Your readers can click a button that will bring them to a page where they can send you some cash. Chitika - Contextual interactive CPC advertising. Requires more screen real estate than AdSense, but tends to have higher click-through rates and payout rates. LinkAdage - Text links and text advertisements to generate revenue from your website by way of bidding, brokering, and exchanging text advertisements. Txtswap - If you want to exchange text links to try and bring in more users, and in turn raise the potential to gain income, this is another service to try. Google AdSense - Almost certainly the largest single source of income to bloggers worldwide. Pay per click and per view. Yahoo Publisher network - pay per click ads, similar to Google AdSense. AdBrite - Get paid for text link advertisements on your blog. Text Link Ads - One of the leading suppliers of text link advertisements. BidVertiser - an advertisin

Tools 4 blogs

MyBlogLog - Possibly the coolest blog community building tool around. Doubles as a simple analytics tool. BlogRolling – Blogroll manager. PollDaddy - cool polls for your blog. BlogPolls - another provider of free polls for bloggers Favicon Maker – simple service that enables you to easily create a favicon from an image. Qumana - a desktop blog editor for Mac and Windows. Blogjet - another desktop blog client, works only on Windows. Blogarithm - enables you to track all your content at one place. GeoLoc - a widget that shows your visitors’ locations on a world map. JunkIWant - display your Amazon wishlist as a widget on your blog BlogSticker - create stickers for your blog. MyOpenId - enables you to identify yourself for various online service, using your blog address. BlogFlux tools - several cool tools for bloggers. ImageShack - free photo hosting service.

RSS readers - Windows

Omea - one of the most fully featured RSS readers out there; can get a little slow as its database grows; free in its basic version, also has a commercial, advanced version with more features Mozilla Thunderbird - Mozilla’s e-mail and RSS reader, supports skins and add-ons Awasu - RSS reader with a customizable user interface, the ability to synchronize with other readers, bookmarking and annotation, and republishing of your feeds GreatNews - integrates with Bloglines, and offers a very fast way to browse through your feeds RSS Bandit - RSS reader that offers organization of your feeds through folders, as well as synchronization across several installations IntraVNews - an RSS reader that integrates with Microsoft’s Outlook. SharpReader - requires .NET framework, lets you organize feeds into folders, integrates with Feedster, can display new items via system tray popups eCruiser - an RSS reader in Japanese Juice - a pretty basic RSS reader Opera - Opera web browser comes with

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